In my career I have spoken with many pharmacists and finding out what their motivations are for wanting to make a change in their career. As motivations go ususally it starts with money, then schedule and then, maybe some will say it is not third, is they want to leave because of a boss who is arrogant and doesn't understand what he or she is doing or a coworker is harassing them and they do not want to deal with it anymore. Now some may say I am wrong but this is my experience and it often takes a lot of prodding to get that kind of information out of someone so they admit it is someone at work who is making them uncomfortable with their criticisms or anger. Some may ask why do you need to know that? Well it is pretty simple really I would like to find it out because it may speak to my candidates personality and rather than just moving from one job to another which maybe the right answer, perhaps we can help them deal with the issues at hand because there is no telling if we move them to a new job no matter how much research we have done on their potential bosses if their personalities will mesh or if they will have a conflict with other pharmacists again. It is often better to deal with issues and learn from them than simply moving to another job, because the same pharmacist will call me later and ask me to move them again and we do not want that because it will look bad for them and may damage their relationship with their employer. Even though it is not their fault they have to learn to deal with the personalities of other people. It is a critical part of life and how you deal with these types of folks is ultimately going to determine if you are going to succeed of fail. It also can do some serious damage to your quality of life and work if you are always looking at the clock and not focusing on the task at hand and taking these problems home with you at night and you will often find yourself waking at night dreading what will happen at work that day. I have attached an article to the post title on how to deal with a work place bully.
If you would like concrete information on the pharmacy job market in your state then please call 866-538-0715 and ask for Nader.
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A blog for all Pharmacists to discuss the daily challenges facing them in their pharmacy career search. This blog focuses on giving current information on the ever changing landscape of pharmacy and also providing insight into education, job search, salary, salary negotiation, interview, job preparation, career development and career satisfaction.
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We have now been named one of the top 50 pharmaceutical news and research blogs on the internet by We would like to again thank all our readers and subscribers.
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EDG Video Card
ReplyDeleteEducational Marketing Tool Provides Solution
to Code on Interactions with Healthcare Professionals
Dallas, TX November 10, 2008. EDG (pronounced edge) is a digital video card designed to comply with the new Code on Interactions with Healthcare Professionals. The card provides pharmaceutical firms with a cost effective method to build and maintain an interactive relationship with physicians, promote brand products with pharmacists, and communicate product benefits to consumers.
Beyond its code-compliant design EDG is an affordable ($19 to $29) interactive information delivery tool that captures the attention of busy physicians and their multi-tasking patients. About the size of a thick credit card, pharmaceutical companies simply load their custom medical and health audio/video or slide show material onto EDG via a USB port. The end user views the content on a high-resolution LCD color screen. Unlike a PDA or MP3 player, the content on EDG cards is controlled and can only be changed by the pharmaceutical firm.
EDG can be transformed into a digital product manual for pharmacists, a video tutorial showcasing the merits of a new drug to doctors, an educational slide show for patients, a medical device usage demo for industry sales reps, or a wellness club card handed out by physicians to patients. It provides an instant delivery system (no computer needed) attracts attention, engages viewers, and maximizes the educational experience.
Jump Lab, the creator of EDG, understands the challenges that pharmaceutical manufacturers are facing as they seek new, more effective methods to promote their products to physicians. To that end, Jump Lab offers EDG, a fixed content device, and EDG Lightning, which comes with a content change loading service. Essentially, this is a web-based, software-driven portal that enables pharmaceutical firms to continuously update the content on the card and track end user downloads, driving an ongoing business-building relationship with physicians and patients.
EDG has been developed and manufactured by Jump Lab, LLC, headquartered in Dallas, Texas. Jump Lab was founded to develop technology-driven tools to solve business-building problems in the digital age.
For viewing an EDG card demo or to receive a free information kit, go to: To secure purchasing information and a sample card, call Jump Lab at 866-987-7770 or 214-760-9717.
Jeannie McLaughlin
Jump Lab
For the past few years we have been developing a central online medical record storage system for the National Network for Chronic Pain Patients (NNCIP). Our goal was to provide patients with a way to upload all their records where they can be stored in one convenient place, so they can be accessed easily by the prescribing doctor of their choice at any time and from any place assuming the physician has a laptop, Treo, i-phone, etc. Setting a standard for encryption is difficult as we want to keep the system compatible with future projects that will be run by other companies. Regardless I think the work we did for this project has been useful and if it would be up to me, U.S. citizens would all be obliged to keep their medical records on file through use of an online system. Besides from easy accessible data required in emergency situations, it would also enable an ordering process where the script is automatically written, signed *or stamped actually*, and forwarded to a pharmacy of choice. It would also provide a great way for the 'online consultation' websites to verify that their patients are ordering for a legit condition, making prescriptions through online consultations much more acceptable. I checked on which is supposed to have some of the best prices and they charge $95.94 after their claim to save 39% or $60.84 compared to actual retail prices. When looking at I noticed that they charged $99.95 for 180 of the same tabs and they even included a complimentary online consultation (free prescription). Access to medical records that are centrally stored would greatly benefit the prescribing doctor as the online form can still be manipulated even though it concerns non-controlled substances only here. Anyways, I know where I would get my pain meds if I would ever need them, their prices on meds like Esgic Plus, Fioricer, Butalbital/APAP and other are also very reasonable consirering that most doctors will not prescribe more than 60 tabs meaning you would require 3 consultations payments to get your 180 tabs, not to mention the hassles and time it consumes! I am currently using free medication search engine to locate my meds (I also joined sites like and in the past but this new site seems to work as well for me). You can have a look at and try their features which are provided completely free of charge; great site if you ask me and definitely worth a look as they seem to be quiet busy getting everything in order still being a new website in this industry ;)
ReplyDeletei have read your blog, i have find out some important informatin and links, i thing really it's a nice and effective blog.
ReplyDeleteGreat read. Do you mind if I reference this in our next newsletter?