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We have now been named one of the top 50 pharmaceutical news and research blogs on the internet by http://www.pharmacy-technician-certification.com/. We would like to again thank all our readers and subscribers.

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

The white coats are coming! The white coats are coming!

Good idea or overkill? Mandatory residency requirement sparks controversy.

Article regarding the debate by the ASHP to add one year of residency to the already extensive curriculum to become a pharmacist. Please click on post title to read the article.

By: Martin Sipkoff
Health-System Edition

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A Day Late and A Dollar Short.

Medicade part D slow reimbursement payments to small pharmacies are forcing them to close thier doors. In may of 07 38% of claims were taking over 30 days to pay and only 1.4% were paid in 15 days or less. Legislation is soon being introduced to require timely payments to pharmacies.

Sandy Clark-Ozarks Local News

Friday, August 10, 2007

For the Pharmacists in the Group

Hello again,

I posted a list of questions yesterday that you will probably encounter in your journey to find a new job. But as I thought back, I thought to myself, self aren't pharmacy interviews a little more complex than that. Self answered yes, so while the questions I posted yesterday are really good and you will encounter them in interviews for pharmacy positions cause they tell the interviewer quite a bit about your character and leadership skills. I am posting questions that I specifically use to prepare my pharmacists for their interviews. So here you go folks.

Adapted from The Pharmacy Professional's Guide to Resumes, CVs & Interviewing, by Thomas P. Reinders, Associate Dean of Admissions and Student Services, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy.

Your ability to answer questions clearly and thoughtfully is an important aspect of any interview. Some of the questions will likely be tailored to the organization and the opportunity you are applying for. Others will be generic questions designed to probe your background, communication skills, and personal style.

There's no reason to plan out detailed answers to each question. Focus on those that are most likely to be asked given your qualifications and the type of position you are seeking. It's fine to jot down thoughts and rehearse answers, but don't memorize your responses.


What do you consider to be the most important idea or suggestion you have made that was implemented by your current employer?
Tell me about your most satisfying accomplishment as a pharmacist [or pharmacy student or pharmacy technician.
Tell me about a quantifiable outcome from one of your efforts at work.
How do you measure your success at work?

Career development

What would you like to accomplish during the next five years?
What made you choose pharmacy as a career?
Who had the greatest influence on your choice of pharmacy as a career path?
Describe the ideal position based on your long-term career plan.

Coping with change

How do you handle change at work?
Do you prefer a structured routine in your daily work, or frequent change?

Communication skills

How would you rate your writing abilities?
How would you describe your listening skills?

Dealing with conflict

Do you prefer to confront conflict or tactfully avoid it?
Have you ever lost your temper at work?
Tell me about a time when you had to deal with an irate patient.
How did you handle the situation?
Describe a time when you successfully resolved a conflict between yourself and one of your colleagues.


If you were to be a drug, what drug would you be?
How would you like to be remembered?
What is the most interesting work assignment that you have received?

Handling criticism

What is your approach for dealing with constructive criticism?
Describe a situation where your work was justifiably criticized
Has any of your professors ever assigned a grade lower than you deserved? If so, what did you do?

Decision-making skills

What kind of decisions are most difficult for you to make?
What is your approach to making important decisions?
Tell me about a time when you made an unpopular decision.
How did you handle this situation?

Educational experience

Is your GPA an accurate reflection of your academic ability?
What subjects did you enjoy most [or least] in pharmacy school?
If you had it to do over again, what changes would you make as a college student?

Issues related to the employer or position

What do you find most [or least] appealing about this position? Why?
What skills do you think are most critical for success in this position?
How would your most recent supervisor describe your work habits?
What did you like most [or least] about your most recent job?
What were the limitations of your most recent position?

Management skills and abilities

Tell me about your supervision of other individuals in past positions you have held.
What type of management style do you think is most effective in managing health professionals? Give examples of your ability to delegate.

Personal attributes

How do you measure personal success?
Tell me about a time when your persistence paid off at work.
Tell me about the last book you read.
How would you describe your personality?

Problem-solving skills

Tell me about a recurring problem at work that you were able to resolve.
What is your usual approach to solving problems?
Where do you turn when your usual problem-solving approaches are not successful?

Stress management

How do you respond to deadlines?
How do you manage stress in your daily work?
What do you do to avoid burnout?

Technical knowledge and skills

What is the latest computer software application that you have learned to use.
Review the following case describing a common drug interaction. How would you resolve the problem?
Review the following case of a patient with [disease x]. Outline a plan for drug therapy management.

Time management skills

How do you organize your daily assignments and activities?
Give me examples of how you prioritized work assignments in your most recent position.
Give me an example of a time management skill that has increased your productivity at work.

Concluding the interview

In what respects does our position and your needs appear to be a good match?
In what respects do they differ?
Is there anything else I should ask?
How does this position compare with others you are considering?

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Interrogation Time, Yesssssssss.

Here is condensed list of the most frequently asked questions in an interview. These have been compiled by Dean w. Johnson and give some really good guidance as to what your going to be asked in the interview. So now that you know be prepared.

The Condensed List

Describe yourself?

Why did you decide to seek a position in this company?

What motivated you to leave your last job?

What are your short-range goals and objectives?

What are your long range goals and objectives?

What do you see yourself doing five years from now? Ten years from now?

What do you really want to do in life?

How do you plan to achieve your career goals?

What are the most important rewards you expect in your career?

What do you expect to be earning in five years?

Why did you choose this career?

Can you explain this gap in your employment history?

How well do you work with people? Do you prefer working alone or in teams?

How well do you deal with conflict?

How do you handle difficulty with a supervisor? How was the conflict resolved?

What do you consider your greatest strengths to be?

What do you consider your greatest weaknesses to be?

What was best job you've ever had?

Describe the best supervisor you've ever had.

How would you last boss describe your work performance?

What motivates you to go the extra mile on a project or job?

Why should I hire you?

How are you qualified for this position?

What does success mean to you?

What would success be with a company like ours?

How do you think you can contribute to our company?

What are your hobbies? How do you spend your spare time?

Have you ever been forced to resign or fired?

Describe a successful manager.

Can you see yourself in a leadership role?

Describe a good leader.

How great was the workload in your current (or most recent) job?

Compare creativity and efficiency. Which is more important? Why?

What books have you've read? What is the most recent book you've read?

What is the relationship between the supervisor and those reporting to him or her?

Describe the two or three accomplishments that have given you the most satisfaction.

What was the most rewarding experience of your career thus far?

What qualities would you look for in a job seeker for this position?

Are you continuing your studies? Are you considering an advanced degree?

In what kind of work environment are you most comfortable?

Can you delegate tasks? Can you give some examples?

Describe one of the hardest decisions you've ever had to make.

What do you know about our company?

What are our products? What interests do you have in them?

What competitors do we have? What do you know about them?

What are the things that are most important to you in your job?

What promotions or salary increases do you expect?

How do you judge the company for whom you hope to work?

What are your geographic preferences?

Would you relocate? Can you relocate yourself?

Would you travel for the job?

What about the community where we are located attracts you?

What have you learned from your mistakes?

What in your past shows initiative and willingness to work?

Friday, August 3, 2007

Soooooooo, I didn't get the job?

I have just read an article on the hiring process, and when you can tell an employer is not going to extend you an offer, and when to move on to another job. Click on the title of the post to read the full article.

At infinity search group we cut through the red tape by going straight to the top. We speak directly to the director of pharmacy and human resources to give you the inside track and tell you when to expect an offer and when it is time to move on. Do not get caught waiting for an offer that is not coming.

Call us at 866-538-0715.

Post your resume for free at one of our affiliate sites